The Dark Side of Technology: 5 Dangers Christians Need to Be Aware Of

As technology continues to advance, its benefits are undeniable. However, we cannot overlook the dangers that come with it, especially in our Christian lives. To ensure we do not fall victim to these dangers, we need to be aware of them and use technology for the glory of God. In a recent seminar on ‘Using technology in your Christian life,’ five dangers were highlighted, or that we’ve thought of.

One of the dangers of technology is alienation. When access to technology becomes a prerequisite for participation in a community, we need to be concerned. Limiting communication about events to one channel, such as Facebook, assumes that everyone has access and wants to use it, which is not always the case. We need to ensure that we do not exclude anyone and that there are multiple ways for people to access information.

Another danger is addiction. Our need to constantly check our devices for updates and stay plugged-in can become a harmful addiction. We should prioritize our relationship with God and His Word over our desire to know what’s happening on social media. The Center for Internet Addiction even acknowledges this phenomenon, and it’s important to recognize where we stand on the line between engagement and addiction.

Laziness is also a danger that comes with technology. While sending a text message may be more convenient, there are times when face-to-face or phone communication is more appropriate. When we show laziness in our communication, we do not demonstrate the care and consideration that our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ deserve.

The potential to sin is yet another danger that technology presents. Social media platforms like Facebook can easily become breeding grounds for jealousy, envy, pride, lust, and gossip. While these sins have always existed, technology makes it easier to fall into their traps. Online accountability tools can help us navigate these dangers, but we need to be mindful of how we use technology.

Finally, wasting time is a danger that we cannot overlook. Technology can make us more efficient, but it can also lead us to waste a lot of time. We need to ensure that we are not procrastinating on social media or other technology and that we are using our time to further God’s kingdom.

In conclusion, technology can be a useful tool in our Christian lives, but we need to be mindful of the dangers that come with it. We should strive to use technology in a way that glorifies God, and not allow it to distract us from what’s truly important.